The Cabin

The Cabin

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gazeboblog - Episode 6 ... Traftors

Hey, man ... it's like hovering in mid air or something, man....far out!  Today I set up the log rafters ... or trusses...or traftors. I'm not sure what they are called, but I put them up anyway. The rafters are 6"x6" D-logs like the ones we used to build the shop. I first had to plane off the tongues and grooves one every frigging 11' log. That "king post" in the middle is hexagon-shaped and is 11" thick. The whole mess is screwed together using 8' log screws. 

I will be adding some additional log rafters to fit in between these, so that my span will not exceed 48". The roof decking will be 2x6's. I am also going to have openings at the peak, so campfire smoke can escape. There will be a cupola covering the openings. 

Deb is doing her usually superb job rocking the pillars. As you may recall, these "river rocks" are the ones we are making using the rubber molds and concrete and coloring powder. It is quite an art form trying to make rocks look like rocks. We're getting better... and the price is right!