The Cabin

The Cabin

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A New House – Episode 23 – More Insulation, the Tub and Plumbing


It has been a long friggin’ time since the last “A New House” post. I’m sorry, but we have a couple of excellent excuses – a 60th birthday party, and a grand wedding at Disney world !!!


So what in the world have we been doing … ANYTHING???  Well, yes. The outside of the house is in stasis -  we’ll get to the siding next spring or summer, so we have been indoors (when we weren’t on rides at Walt Disney World)


Deb’s world was insulation. Everyday. for weeks. She did the whole friggin house. Argh!  R-38 in the ceilings and R-19 in the walls.


since some of the ceilings were 2x12’s and R-38 is 11” thick, we had to install these foam baffles to keep airflow between the plywood and the insulation.

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While she was doing insulation, I was doing the drain/waste/vent plumbing. Not fun, but it’s done. what’s the trick to it you ask?   2 rules to follow … (1) Water flows downhill and, (2) don’t drain shit into a sink. Other than that, you’re good to go.

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Then I got started on the water lines. for the first time, I did pex plumbing. This is Uponor PEX-A pipe, which is different that what Home Depot sells in that you expand the pipe to fit over barbed fitting, as opposed to crimping. Quite fun actually.


Let’s see…red is cold and blue is hot, right?


Also unique with pex is that typically each fixture has a dedicated water line running to it from a manifold. These are valved manifolds, so each fixture (cold and hot) has a small valve I can open/close for control.



Watch this swell video of me doing PEX!!! 


We are also going to be experimenting with this new-fangled electric on-demand water heater. 24kw, taking (3) 40a circuits.


And this whole-house 3-stage water filtration system.


Meanwhile, since the insulation is done, Deb dives in to rock the soaker tub’s deck. Starting with Hardibacker on the deck and walls, she first sealed the joints, then surfaced the deck with Redguard waterproofing. We bought 1-1/2 tons of 1’’ quartszite slabs for this and other areas of the house.


We also took delivery of our new range.


An Ilve UM90 36” dual fuel range with top griddle. Midnight blue. In this picture, we haven’t yet installed the legs. Can’t wait to try this baby out!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Day for the History Books

Dateline 1955: Walt Disney opens the most famous theme park in the world …. some say to celebrate the birth of baby Dana. Walt was heard to say “I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a little boy*”… People came from far and wide in hopes of catching a glimpse of baby Dana, born a few miles away in Pomona, CA on July 23.

footnote: * the PR people didn’t like the way that sounded, so they changed it to “it was all started by a mouse”.


60 years later, people flock to Anaheim, California and Valley, Washington to celebrate the 60th birthday of Dana…. and to a lesser extent, Disneyland. Gee… why didn’t we all just go to Disneyland instead?



left to right; Sheila, pat, Frank, Reggie, Mack, Gary, Carolyn and Eric


L to R: Dave, Teresa, Janette, Kyle, Xin Xin and Jason


L to R: Frank, Katherine, Eric and Kyle


L to R: Sue, Reggie, Sheila, Maria, Victor, Mack, Frank


About 1:30, the sky let loose with a downpour



So people grabbed chairs and ran for the safety of the new house

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Frank didn’t want to play reindeer games


Then Dana led a couple rousing chorus of happy birthday

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Then blew out the candles


Folks enjoyed hanging out in the gazebo


and playing games…watch that slice, Carolyn!


Who’s teaching who here? Carolyn and Maria


Isn’t that a ball still on the ground Victor?


Maria chipping into the net


Victor, Katherine, Maria and Sue at horseshoes


L to R: Xin Xin, Jason, Sheila, Pat, Frank, Kyle, Reggie, Mack and Gary


then around 4pm, the power goes out for a couple of hours. Good thing for backup generatorsP1020167

Dana and Victor setting up the generator (after killing the wasp nest at the outside plug)


Katherine cooking beans by candlelight.


Then the power came back and the grub was on. Jason digging in on Salads, brisket, pulled pork, rolls, beans, pies and carrot cake



Dave, Maria and Jason


Sue, Dave, Gary and Carolyn


Kyle all by himself


Teresa, Janette, and Maria, with Dana, Victor and Sheila in background


Debbie, Dana, Jason, Xin Xin, Dave, Reggie, Sue, Sheila, Maria and Victor


Victor, Mack, Frank and Katherine


Carolyn, Gary, Dana, Jason, Reggie


Jason, Xin Xin, Reggie, Sheila, Dave, Sue and Maria


Reggie’s legs, Sheila, sue, Maria, Victor, Mack


Katherine, Eric and Kyle


It was a great weekend. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us.