The Cabin

The Cabin

Friday, June 5, 2015

A New House - Episode 20 – Electricity, Logs and Concrete !!!


The ditches for the water line and electrical feeds are backfilled and seeded. The bad news is that we took 2 weeks off to go camping and when we got back, saw that the ditches has sunk 6"-10” and had to be re-filled, re-raked and re-seeded. We now anxiously watch the grass slowly grow, converting that minefield into something resembling a normal yard again.


The great new is that we installed a new panel in the yard to give us the extra 200A feed we needed to energize the house – yay!!!


New electrical panel. In here we have a 200A breaker for the new house, 125A for the cabin, 50A for the garage, 30A RV outlet, and a 20A general outlet. Plus room for expansion.


Once we had power, the next step was to start checking each and every circuit, receptacle and switch to make sure everything is wired correctly. This is where I bow deeply to my lovely wife who singly ran 1/2 mile of wire to a gazillion places – and only two small issues were found in the entire house – one mis-wired fan switch and a loose wirenut (my mistake).


And now we have lights!!!


…and more lights and outlet power!!!


and a ceiling fan !!!  It is so great to get rid of those pesky extension cords!


Also in the works, is peeling and sanding logs to make the front porch. Deb has spent weeks on this task.


…and some concrete work. Sonotubes for the posts and a pad for the heat pumps.


..and the beginning of framing for the front porch. A board is nailed and bolted to the house with hangers added for the rafters.

Next step is to erect the log posts and beams for the front porch, add the rafters and plywood. Then the deck.

But today, we’re going to play golf :)